Saturday, September 21, 2013

"Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it." -Buddha

I want to take a minute and let you all get to know me because i keep posting yet you all barely know anything about me and I'm here trying to get you all to open up to me.

To start my name is Danielle and i am a student athlete at St. Thomas University majoring in communications. Family is my world and i will do anything for them. Family comes first, second and third in my life and my true friends and boyfriend are also my family. I am in my senior year of college and i will be the first child of my parents to graduate and that really motivates me. I have 5 brothers and i am the second youngest and also the only girl. I live to make others happy, especially my parents. They are the type of couple who still laugh and enjoy themselves; they go against the stereotypical married couple that they show on television and i want to have a relationship just like them. 

I'm a hopeless romantic as you would call it in movies and in songs. The little things matter most to me, I don't need to be someones whole world, i would much rather be someones morning coffee, car keys or wallet. Something that is so insignificant but if lost it'll throw off your entire day. I'd much rather be something someone needs each and every day.

I'm ambitious, driven, inspirational, kind hearted, loving, intelligent, giving and someone who will always be there. I put others first and i always will. I live my life to reach my goals and generate happiness throughout the world. Even if i only make one person smile or change one persons life, i'm satisfied because it only starts with one. 

I am a lover, not a fighter but i will truly fight for what i love. I want to make movie trailers and photograph beautiful moments with my camera. I want to write hallmark cards and create my own kids TV show. I have a plan a-z to do with my life and if one fails i move on to the next because i will always stay driven and push myself to excel at everything in this life. 

I'm growing each and every day to be better than who i was yesterday. 

If you felt inspired today comment with a moment that made you smile and an interesting fact about yourself; don't be shy. 

"Know your worth and stand up for who you are, noone can dim your shine" -BuddhaBlog


  1. I totally agree with your values and it seems like you have your mind set in the right place. I relate to you when you say " i live to make others happy", because i am the same way but i think sometimes it can be one of our flaws. sometimes it is better to put yourself first and make yourself happy, and when that is done, making others happy will become that much more easier. all your blogs are interesting and motivate me!

  2. That's what i have been realizing a lot lately, I live for others and it is great that you do as well because it is a beautiful thing. But you're right it can be a flaw at times and we tend to be the ones getting hurt. But i would honestly sacrifice my happiness for others. Sometimes i have been walked all over and that is where i realized that i may live for others but i also need to live for me. Thank you so much for being interested in my blog :) stay happy and motivated
