Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself". -Buddha 

I have so many plans and goals ahead of me. I have so many desires and ambitions and i just want to put them all into action right now. I want to create a path that i travel upon where i help people and along the way i help myself. I need to see the world to be able to change it.

I am only 21 years old, but since I was around 16 i have been planning all of the things i want to do with my life and places i want to visit. Your goals can't just be said, they need to have a plan of action in how your going to get there. I used to follow this path of society of doing and being what everyone else wanted, but i finally put that to a stop and i have been walking my own path creating a life i'm proud to live.

You must walk to the beat of your own drum and instead of following, we must lead. I can say all of the places i want to go and state all of the impacts i want to make, but none of that really matters until i do it. 

Joining the Peace Corp has been on my mind lately; this is an organizing built to help people in developing countries. You give up 2 years of your life to people in need. This sounds like an amazing experience and i would be perfect for it because that's all i want to do in this life; help others. I just need to stop saying it and start doing it. I need a college degree so that motivates me 10x more to keep pushing myself to my highest potential. I will join the Peace Corp, now its just a matter of 'when'. 

If theres something you want to do, comment with that idea and i'll help you get there

"Actions speak louder than words. Words are beautiful and tell a story, but action puts you on that path to greatness" -BuddhaBlog

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