Thursday, September 5, 2013

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” -Buddha 

Today I woke up feeling blessed, happy and thankful to be alive. This life is so 
limited and people don't realize that time will eventually run out. One of my 
boyfriends friends died last night, he just didn't wake up from his sleep. 19 
years old and he was taken in the middle of the night without anyone expecting 
it. I met him only one time while I was visiting Tennessee and the fact that 
he's gone and so many people are hurting makes me feel so much for his friends 
and family, noone wants to lose anyone close to them. I'm 21 years old and the 
hardest thing I've had to face was losing my grandmother 2 years ago. Seeing my 
mother cry for weeks hurt me so bad because one day that's going to be me. 
People don't realize that tomorrow is guaranteed to noone and I wish so much 
that I cherished the time with my grandma more. 

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” -Buddha 

I wrote that in the beginning and I wrote it again because it's true, if you 
want peace you must create it from within because on the outside there's 
negativity, hate, terror, massacres, mistrust, and many more things that disrupt 
your peace. Take control of your life, you need to LIVE. Tell someone you love 
them today and mean it. I know I did <3 

If a quote inspired you through a hard time, comment and tell me your story

"Realize that time will eventually run out, take control of your life and make 
the time count" -BuddhaBlog


  1. You are so inspirational. I agree with you, many of us get so caught up in our problems that we take it all for granted. We don't know what we have until it's gone, and the most precious thing we have is time. Once we lose it we can never get it back.

    One of my favorite quotes is
    "The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present." - ALICE MORSE EARLE

    I couldn't agree any more with that.

    God Bless

  2. Hi Danielle! Just reading this post gave me so much Goosebumps. I think that we forget that tomorrow isn't promise to us. We need to stop worrying about things that don't matter and start worrying about things that do. We need to make sure we tell our love ones we love them because then it might be to late. I think seeing your parents cry hurts more then anything but you are right that will be us one day. I loved how you quoted Buddha on how Peace comes within. I have been struggling a lot trying to understand that peace is within us but in time it will get easier in understand that peace actually begins within us. I loved your post! Keep it up :)

  3. we all need to stop getting caught up in our problems and we need to start finding solutions! All i want to do in this life is inspire the ones around me and make a difference and along the way change someones life. Peace comes from within because this world can be so cruel so you will never be able to find it by looking outside, use your heart and mind and soul.
