Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"If you have a problem that can be fixed, then there is no use in worrying. If you have a problem that cannot be fixed, then there is no use in worrying." -Buddha

Moral of that quote.. There is no use in worrying whether you have an unfixable problem or not

When i was on this boat and i saw a storm coming, of course my first thought was that this was going to be a problem, but after looking at it and seeing the beauty in the sky changing right before my eyes, i decided that instead of worrying that i should embrace it and take a picture worth remembering. It began to pour heavily on my family and me, and we actually all started laughing at the fact that this would happen to us on a Sunday that had sun shining all around. No one was upset, no one was frustrated at the fact that our stuff was getting wet, it was just a family day that later turned into a rainy movie day. I keep saying this in my posts because its true "this life is beautiful and instead of being effected by problems that head your way, we need to stay positive and not have a worry in the world". 

Regina Brett once said "If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's.. we'd grab ours back". 

When i read that quote i was actually having a rough stay and i was stressed with some thing and i thought about every problem i was facing that day; homework due, having to wake up early, conditioning practice, and not eating breakfast. I then became really upset with myself, how am i having a bad day when millions of people woke up today without a home, no food to even share with their family and i'm here worrying about irrelevant things compared to them. Some people can't see the beauty of a sunset, some cant hear a beautiful melody and i get upset when my phone dies while i'm listening to a good song. I was so mad at myself after thinking about all these things and i began to change. 

I am blessed to have even woken up today, i called my Mom and told her i love her and i decided to stop worrying all the time because that's exactly what i usually do.

Look at the beauty of this picture, it's a sunset painted on the sky with a storm forming. It's two beautiful elements of the world in one. While watching this happen i knew that worrying was going to be the last thing i do, worrying creates negativity, worrying creates anger, worrying is a contagious disease that will be thrown out of my mind and i believe it should be thrown out of yours as well.

Take a minute to close your eyes and picture something beautiful in your mind, something you saw when you were a kid, something you saw this morning, anything that puts a smile on your face...

After you capture this image in your mind, i want you to close your eyes and picture it every time you feel like your worrying. I want you to picture it when your mad, sad, frustrated or upset. I want you to be able to picture it in times where you need a little smile the most, because in a world where some can't even smile, just know how rare and precious a beautiful image can be. 

"Never underestimate the life you live, take time out of your day to embrace the beauty of it and know that worrying will get you know where and positivity overcomes it all". -Buddhablog


  1. wonderful post your quote is one that i will save because i love living my life to the fullest everyday.

  2. I'm glad you like it :) and that is exactly what you need to do, never stop living your life

  3. I really enjoyed this post, and i understand that it is pointless to worry about things that you can not control but i still do, i was wondering if you could please one day write a post about ways to relax your mind?

  4. Exactly :) worrying gets you absolutely nowhere in this life, and just for you and the others out there who need to relax there mind i will do research and practice certain ways on how to relax my mind and i will post all about it.
