Monday, December 2, 2013

"I didn't always know what I wanted to do, but I knew the kind of woman I wanted to be" -BuddhaBlog

My word of the day is Eleutheromania; because I truly have an intense and irresistible desire for freedom. 

Freedom from my mind
Freedom from all the pain
Freedom from the negative
Freedom from this place..

I am a wanderer; I could pick up and find a new place to call it home each year if I had the money to do it.. and honestly one day I will.

I have all this passion and drive and inspiration built up inside me and I wish I could set it free all at once, but it takes time. Everything takes time and like Buddha says "The trouble is, you think you have time". 

I could sit here on my uncomfortable dorm bed all day and write.. Sometimes my voice doesn't speak up when I need it most and that can be a problem, but sometimes I feel like I write because I don't know what i'm really thinking until I read what I say. I hope that makes sense, but to put it in a broader definition.. writing is my voice.

Finding yourself isn't easy; it's actually one of the hardest things you'll go through in life. But that moment when you do find who you are.. I bet it's so beautiful.

Not knowing is scary, but once you finally know... that's when you realize that you have so much ahead of you

"Always keep your chin up and your eyes looking forward. The rearview mirror is for the past and you should always be looking ahead" -BuddhaBlog


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