Tuesday, December 31, 2013

"You alone have the power to have, do or be anything you want"- BuddhaBlog

This is the last day of 2013, this is the last December 31, 2013 that you will ever get in your entire life, what are you doing to make a difference? what are you doing to make this day memorable? what are you doing?

I keep reading posts on twitter and Instagram about how people are annoyed about the "new year new me bullshit" and i'm getting tired of it. Why can't people set goals and have a purpose? I wish people would just worry about themselves. Having a new years resolution and setting goals isn't bullshit; it's beautiful.

So what if each year you know a person who sets a goal and then doesn't do anything about it.. how about instead of criticizing them you help them reach that goal.

A lot of the resolutions I keep reading and hearing about are:

Be a better person
Lose weight
Love myself more
Make money

All I have to say to the people who set resolutions and goals is "good for you". Having a purpose is something to be proud of! If you want to lose weight, push yourself to do it. It takes hard work to accomplish goals. You have to step out of your comfort zone and find that inner motivation and inspiration to do anything you set your mind to.

And it starts by ridding yourself of the negative people that doubt you.
They only bring you down

This is the last day of 2013 and you'll never get it back. For a lot of the world, tomorrow starts as a new beginning, but what about today? Tomorrow isn't promised to anyone.

If I get blessed with another day I wake up and I seize it. I wake up smiling and I know that I have to make the best of it. Forget about the negative people who are only bringing you down because they don't know what their purpose is. Have a goal and do everything you can you achieve it, we're all capable of greatness.

And each day I get blessed with, I'm working on loving myself. My resolution is to love me.

"Negative minds create negative people and it rubs off like the plague, stray away from the plague and spread love"

Happy New Year

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