Thursday, October 10, 2013

"There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth... not going all the way, and not starting"              -Buddha

I believe that some people don't start a goal because society makes it seem unrealistic, I also believe that some people don't go all the way to accomplish that goal because society puts doubts into our minds.

This needs to be put to a stop.

Fear is fatal, we develop fears based on our surroundings. If you are surrounded by people who base their lives on fear then their traits will becomes contagious. We must stray away from this in order to reach our goal. 

I have been writing this blog since August 27, 2013. Clearly that is barely 2 months of writing to people that may or may not be reading these posts and becoming inspired. My goal when I began was to reach out to anyone and everyone who needed motivation and along the way i believe i have found my voice and my own motivation.

                               But recently I actually reached out to someone I don't even know
It brought tears to my eyes to know that my words got to someone and I inspired them. It only starts with one. 

You can do absolutely anything and everything that you set your mind to I promise! It starts with getting up and making it happen, it starts with having the mindset that you can achieve whatever you want. Society will not tell us how to be and how to think. Society will not tell us who we are. Only you can define yourself. 

"There's no room for doubt, only room for courage. I believe in you" -BuddhaBlog 


  1. Just want to thank you for taking the time to write this! Your words reach out to me, they make me want to make things happen. You inspire and motivate others, and you definitely inspired and motivated me. Keep it up, you're touching people's hearts

  2. Thank you so much! I just want to tell people how I'm feeling and to motivate them to do anything they want in this life, the ultimate goal is happiness
